
Informationen zur Veranstaltung

S11WO - Workshop
3D Photogrammetry & Model-making

Object photography techniques, hardware and software practices for 3D imaging

Jonathon Vines is the Senior Imaging Technician (commercial division) at the world renowned British Library.
This hands-on practical workshop is aimed at students who wish to explore practical photography and software techniques for successful 3D model-making. Participants will create online 3D models using cameras (or cell-phone cameras) for object photography and then create online 3D models using Metashape software, with resulting models being uploaded to the popular international Sketchfab platform. The workshop will benefit students with an interest in photography and 3D photogrammetry, with applications ranging from game design, archaeology and cultural heritage to e-commerce, product design and engineering. Students who upload a successfully completed model to Sketchfab will earn 1.0 ECTS credit.

– Jonathon Vines, ASP: Stephen Walsh

  1. Informationen

    – Diese Veranstaltung gibt 1 CP
    – Art der Veranstaltung: Workshop
    – Prüfung am Ende der Veranstaltung: Präsentation
    – Die Veranstaltung ist fremdsprachig
    – Kategorie: Internationales und Sprachen
    – Sprache: Englisch
    – So findet die Veranstaltung statt (Präsenz, Hybrid, Online): Präsenz
    – Hinweis: Participants will need to have: 1. a reasonable working knowledge of cameras and be at an intermediate-to-advanced level as a photographer. 2. a camera on which they can produce high resolution images (e.g. DSLR, or a high quality phone camera), and to bring a laptop/tablet to work on.

  2. Termine


    Di, 29.10. von 10:15 bis 18:15C19-1.21
    Mi, 30.10. von 10:15 bis 18:15C19-1.21
    Fr, 01.11. von 10:15 bis 18:15C19-1.21

  3. Anmelden / Abmelden

    – Maximal verfügbar: 12
    – Derzeit belegt: 12

    Wie melde ich mich wieder ab?

    Die Abmeldephase beginnt am Do, 01.01.1970 um 01:00 Uhr und endet am Do, 01.01.1970 um 01:00 Uhr.
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