
Informationen zur Veranstaltung

F117VL Online - Vorlesung/Vortrag

Linking attitudes and values to sustainable behaviour

Why do some people behave in a more sustainable manner than others?
Are wealth levels or infrastructure availability, e.g. good bicycle paths,
always the root cause? Or are there some deeper underlying attitudes
and values concerning sustainable behaviour that lie at the base and may
be subconsciously directing our biases towards the topic of sustainability.

This short lecture seeks to address these questions by exploring several
potential origins of sustainable behaviour. It is part of an ongoing study
that analyses how shifts in attitudes and values shape our sustainable
behaviour and perception by correlating datasets from two large
international organizations: The Environmental Performance Index and
the IMD’s World Competitiveness Yearbook.

A short assignment pertaining to the lecture topic is to be delivered shortly after the lecture ends in order to receive the ECTS.

– Prof. Dr. Rune Ellemose Gulev

  1. Informationen

    – Diese Veranstaltung gibt 0.5 CP
    – Art der Veranstaltung: Vorlesung/Vortrag
    – Prüfung am Ende der Veranstaltung: Sonstiges
    – Die Veranstaltung ist fremdsprachig
    – Kategorie: Fachthemen
    – Sprache: Englisch
    – So findet die Veranstaltung statt (Präsenz, Hybrid, Online): Online
    – Hinweis: In order to successfully complete the course, participants must: 1. Have participated fully in the lecture 2. Send the required small assignment within the deadline (TBD) after the lecture.

  2. Termine


    Mi, 08.05. von 08:15 bis 13:45online

  3. Anmelden / Abmelden

    – Maximal verfügbar: 200
    – Derzeit belegt: 58

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