Alle Veranstaltungen in der ÜbersichtDie Bahn: Wir digitalisieren Deutschland!
Praxisnaher Vortrag mit vielen Fotos und Videos. 1. Wie funktioniert das deutsche Bahnnetz? 2. Einblicke in die Hintergründe von Störungen. 3. Einblicke in das Projekt "Digitaler Befehl" für DB InfraGO zur Verbesserung der Pünktlichkeit. Abschließend ... mehr
– Vorlesung/Vortrag
– 0 CP
Mit Credit Points
Auch für Lehrende und Mitarbeiter/innen
Object photography techniques, hardware and software practices for 3D imaging
Jonathon Vines is the Senior Imaging Technician (commercial division) at the world renowned British Library. This hands-on practical workshop is aimed at students who wish to explore practical photography and software techniques for successful 3D model-making. Participants will create online 3D models using cameras (or cell-phone cameras) for object photography and then create online 3D models using Metashape software, with resulting models being uploaded to the popular international Sketchfab platform. The workshop will benefit students with an interest in photography and 3D photogrammetry, with applications ranging from game design, archaeology and cultural heritage to e-commerce, product design and engineering. Students who upload a successfully completed model to Sketchfab will earn 1.0 ECTS credit.
Develop your 30-60 second introduction, including your personal details, area of interest, and relevant experiences.
An Elevator Pitch is a brief (30 seconds!) way of introducing yourself, getting across a key point or two, and making a connection with someone. If you happen to bump into someone you’ve been eager to meet in an elevator, how would you introduce yourself, get your point across, and ask to stay connected—all before that person gets off the elevator! Elevator Pitches are handy to have in mind any time you’re at an event where you might meet prospective job or networking connections. You’ll discover the best practices for anticipating your audience, preparing your story, and practicing your delivery. *Important: participating in the "Professional Presentations" workshop with other of my workshops may earn you up to 1,0 ECTS.
Write Your Story!
If you have taken part in a previous workshop and would like to deepen that experience or simply write something new, welcome back! We'll get started, as always, with writing exercises to loosen up. We'll experiment with new perspectives, create new characters and settings, and see what happens when it all comes together. You'll find the inspiration during this one-day workshop for a new piece of writing, whether it be a story, a poem or the start of a film script … You'll complete your work at home and share it will the group at a follow-up open-mic session. I look forward to seeing you again!
Advanced techniques in photographic genres and post-production
Jonathon Vines is the Senior Imaging Technician (commercial division) at the world renowned British Library. A hands-on photography workshop learning the technical skills to produce work in genres such as portraiture, documentary/street, fashion, close-up/macro, landscape, architecture, studio and nature photography. We will discuss the techniques, equipment and skills necessary to create work across a wide range of styles. Alongside this practical work we will explore advanced genre-specific techniques in Photoshop such as Layers & Masking, Generative-AI, Colour Theory and Framing/Composition to create images in the selected genres. Students will select genres and produce work within their chosen areas for presentation in the workshop. For students without access to a camera and laptop we will explore ways to optimise phone photography.
Hello, my name is Archil Elizbarashvili and I'm the author of Introduction to GNU/Linux systems book (in Georgian). I’m teaching Linux systems since 2002. I have lectured on this topic at various universities in Georgia and abroad as well. This five-day comprehensive Introduction to Linux course will provide students with in-depth introduction to GNU/Linux systems for those who are new to the Linux environment. This course is supported by an Erasmus+ teaching mobility grant
Denise is an award winning socially engaged photographer from London. Her specialities are community documentary, socio-political comment and photography used in a therapeutic context. This is a hands on workshop for those at an intermediate to advanced level, who want to work with high resolution images and have an interest in exploring the stories photographs can tell, with a view to creating a more enduring project with their own photographic work. The aim is to understand the context in which photographs are made, how they are used to illustrate stories and how to present the work; with an introduction to self-publishing, editing images to print, the design and creation of a photobook, exhibition series, or presentation, of a personal piece of work. Participation with no assessment = 0.5 ECTS. Delivery of a final presentation = 1 ECTS Construction of a final publication based on a refined project, or new body of work, plus a written assessment of working practice = 2.5 ECTS
by US-Native Speaker
Sie wollen in den USA, Kanada, Großbritannien, Irland und anderen englischsprachigen Ländern studieren und müssen den Test of English for Foreign Learners (TOEFL) verbindlich nachweisen? Ein muttersprachlicher TOEFL-Experte der Amerika-Gesellschaft Schleswig-Holstein e. V. bereitet Sie ideal auf diese Prüfung vor. Ihre Englisch-Kompetenz sollte sich auf dem Sprachlevel B2 / C1 befinden. Haben Sie das Abiturfach Englisch in der Oberstufe durchgehend über Leistungskurse oder Grundkurse absolviert, so ist der Level bereits erreicht. Mit Übungen, nachgestellten Testsituationen und strategischen Arbeitshinweisen werden Sie perfekt vorbereitet. Unsere interaktiven und kommunikativen Unterrichtsmethoden versprechen Ihnen eine Vorbereitungszeit mit Spaß und trotzdem hohem Lernerfolg. Alle Sprachkompetenzebenen - Hörverstehen / Leseverstehen (passiv), Schreibkompetenz / Sprechkompetenz (aktiv) - gehören dabei vollumfänglich zum Vorbereitungspaket.
Theatre Games and Role Plays - Improv theatre to practice your English
Have you ever found yourself tongue-tied when trying to speak English? Whether on holiday or at work, on the street or in the classroom, you may have found yourself unsure of what to say. In such situations, there's not much time to think and there's certainly no coursebook or vocabulary lists to refer to. Designed to reduce your inhibitions around speaking, this workshop will offer you a fun-filled way to practice your English. In a relaxed atmosphere, we'll play with the language and practice speaking freely in countless situations. Be prepared for the unexpected!