
Alle Veranstaltungen in der Übersicht

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Praxistipps zu Bewerbungen und Vorstellungsgesprä...

Die üblichen Bücher und Veranstaltungen zum Thema Bewerbung und Vorstellungsgespräch werden meist von (ehemaligen) Mitgliedern von Personalabteilungen angeboten. Um hierzu eine ergänzende Perspektivsicht anzubieten, sollen bei dieser Veranstaltung Erfahrungen und Hinweise ... mehr

– Noch 41 Plätze
0 CP

Praxistipps zu Bewerbungen und Vorstellungsgesprä...
Die üblichen Bücher und Veranstaltungen zum Thema Bewerbung und Vorstellungsgespräch werden meist von (ehemaligen) Mitgliedern von Personalabteilungen angeboten. Um hierzu eine ergänzende Perspektivsicht anzubieten, sollen bei dieser Veranstaltung Erfahrungen und Hinweise ...
– Noch 41 Plätze
0 CP
How to hold a presentation
Would you like to become more confident when presenting? Plus convince your audience with a clear structure? Even if in a university context it is often the content which counts most, there is more to a good presentation. In this workshop you will find out how to plan, ...
– Noch 5 Plätze
0 CP
Entwicklung von Experimenten für ein PIV Messsyst...
Ziel des Workshops ist es ein Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)-Messsystem zur Visualisierung und Geschwindigkeitsmessung von Strömungen in Betrieb zu nehmen, Experimente für das Messsystem zu entwickeln und als Lehrpakete aufzuarbeiten. Die Experimente werden mit Hilfe des ...
– Noch 9 Plätze
1 CP
Die Art und Weise, wie wir lernen und lehren hat sich durch die fortschreitende Digitalisierung stark verändert. Immersives Lernen in digitalen Welten ist daher keine Zukunftsvision mehr, sondern eine Realität, die heute bereits Gestalt angenommen hat. Die Veranstaltung XR@SH ...
– Noch 16 Plätze
0 CP
Krisen- und Kriegsberichterstattung in der Presse
Weltweite Kriege und bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen stellen Journalisten vor enorme Herausforderungen. Dies gilt insbesondere für die Situation in der Ukraine oder in Palästina. Woher bekommt man verlässliche Informationen? Welchen Quellen kann man trauen? Welche ...
– Noch 22 Plätze
0 CP
Highway to DATA-Hell!
Wer kennt es nicht? Man erinnert sich, den Text geschrieben zu haben, aber die Datei ist nicht mehr da oder nur mühsam zu finden. Der Abgabetermin rückt näher – gerade jetzt geht der USB-Stick mit der einzigen Sicherung verloren. Diese Veranstaltung vermittelt Ihnen die ...
– Noch 11 Plätze
0 CP
InnovationCamp: "AI-Powered Startup - From Concept...
In diesem Workshop können die Teilnehmenden eigene Startupideen mit Hilfe von KI-Tools entwickeln. Es werden unterschiedliche KI-Tools vorgestellt, die für die einzelnen Schritte der Entwicklung der Geschäftsidee, des Business Models sowie zur Gestaltung eines Prototypen, des ...
– Noch 5 Plätze
0.5 CP
Game Design & Brettspielentwicklung
In dieser Veranstaltung lernen die Teilnehmer den Prozess des Game Designs am praktischen Beispiel eines Brettspiels kennen und werden das wissen im Rahmen eines eigenen Teilprojekts umsetzen. Dabei werden folgende Kernthemen vermittelt: - Hands-on Einblicke in ein laufendes ...
– Noch 6 Plätze
2.5 CP
Neue Narrative für eine neue Zeit: Krisen & Komm...
Weltweite Klimakrise, Pandemien und Kriege – wir sehen uns gegenwärtig mit vielen Krisen gleichzeitig konfrontiert. Deepfakes und exponentiell wachsende Netzwerke wie Instagram oder TikTok sowie die (digitale) Transformation kommen hinzu. Wir erleben eine Ära, in der ...
– Noch 19 Plätze
1 CP
Presentation Skills: successful presentation deliv...
Do you have a presentation coming up that you need to deliver at university or at your work? Then you've come to the right course. This intensive workshop will give you helpful tips for making effective presentations and delivering them well. You'll learn how to ...
– Noch 3 Plätze
0 CP
Storytelling and Narrative in photography & how to...
Denise is an award winning socially engaged photographer from London. Her specialities are community documentary, socio-political comment and photography used in a therapeutic context. This is a hands on workshop for those at an intermediate to advanced level, who want to work ...
– Noch 5 Plätze
2.5 CP
Verschaffen Sie sich Klarheit über Ihre Kompetenzen und gewinnen Sie ein objektives Bild Ihrer Stärken und Schwächen. Das neue Bewusstsein über Ihre Fähigkeiten wird Sie bei einer besseren beruflichen Positionierung und authentischen Präsentation gegenüber Ihrem Umfeld ...
– Noch 19 Plätze
0 CP
S18WO 0CP - Workshop
0CP - Leadership Intelligence

This workshops supports individuals who wish to expand their understanding of leadership, guided by an emphasis on emotional intelligence. Through a series of scenario based provocations, the participants are challenged to understand their own reactions and professional relationships with others, with a view to charting their own leadership development. The workshop presents some key perspectives on leadership, but contends that individual leadership development is best supported by effective emotional intelligence. All participants will be required to do a little preparation reading, to be emailed once registration is over. And for those who wish to earn 0.5 ECTS, a small post-workshop task will be provided.

Noch 9 freie Plätze

S14WO Online - Workshop
Building Bridges through Intercultural Competence

This half-day seminar gives students the opportunity to gain insight into the topic of general intercultural competence, a skills-set which becomes ever more useful for all professional activities and which is thus looked for by prospective employers. As the seminar is held in English, you will also improve your English language proficiency. Therefore, you should bring a good knowledge of English (CEFR B2 level) so as to be able to participate in discussions and group activities.

Schon 1 Wartender

S20WO - Workshop
Creative Writing 1

Words Open Worlds

Open to all students who wish to "loosen up" and write with more creative ease. Writing exercises with props, pictures and games may inspire some actual works of literary brilliance, or at least readability! Work will be read aloud among the group (but only if you wish) and thoughts shared – giving and receiving feedback (not criticism) is a key element of improving one’s writing skills. But do leave the "inner critic" at home! You may complete this course alone for .5 credit point (0,5 Leistungspunkt), or combine it with Creative Writing 2 to obtain one full credit point (1 Leistungspunkt). NEW: Attend BOTH workshops on Monday, 29 April as a "compact course". For more information, please contact Nancy Minard, the course leader at

Schon 10 Wartende

S19WO - Workshop
Creative Writing 2

Writing from start to finish

To participate in this workshop, you will have attended Workshop 1 OR you will have done some writing on your own, recently or in the past. You will have the opportunity to focus on what you would like to write, be it short stories, poems, creative non-fiction or a novel. We will share our work and give feedback. Tips on various aspects such as hooking the reader, refining the plot, character development, writing from experience and finding your own voice will be provided. You may complete this course alone for .5 credit point (0,5 Leistungspunkt), or combine it with Creative Writing 1 to obtain one full credit point (1 Leistungspunkt). NEW: Attend BOTH workshops on Monday, 29 April as a "compact course". For more information, please contact Nancy Minard, the course leader at

Schon 1 Wartender

S24WO Online - Workshop
Creative Writing 2 online

Writing from start to finish

To participate in this workshop, you will have attended Workshop 1 OR you will have done some writing on your own, recently or in the past. You will have the opportunity to focus on what you would like to write, be it short stories, poems, creative non-fiction or a novel. We will share our work and give feedback. Tips on various aspects such as hooking the reader, refining the plot, character development, writing from experience and finding your own voice will be provided. You may complete this course alone for 0.5 credit point (0,5 Leistungspunkt), or combine it with Creative Writing 1 to obtain one full credit point (1 Leistungspunkt).

Noch 1 freier Platz

S21WO - Workshop
Developing Photography & Photoshop Skills

Advanced techniques in photographic genres and post-production

A hands-on photography workshop learning the technical skills to produce work in genres such as portraiture, documentary/street, fashion, close-up/macro, landscape, architecture, studio and nature photography. We will discuss the techniques, equipment and skills necessary to create work across a wide range of styles. Alongside this practical work we will explore advanced genre-specific techniques in Photoshop such as Layers & Masking, Generative-AI, Colour Theory and Framing/Composition to create images in the selected genres. Students will select genres and produce work within their chosen areas for presentation in the workshop. For students without access to a camera and laptop we will explore ways to optimise phone photography. Students may choose to deliver an extended genre-based project and written assessment. Participation with no assessment = 0.5 ECTS, Delivery of a presentation = 1 ECTS, Delivery of in-depth genre-based project and written assessment = 2.5 ECTS.

0 freie Plätze

S11WO Online - Workshop
Express yourself! Honing your Elevator Pitch

What is an elevator pitch? It's a brief, persuasive speech that sparks interest in yourself or your idea and gets other people to listen to you. You’ll discover the best practices for anticipating your audience, preparing your story, and practicing your delivery. Required English language: CEFR B2 (higher intermediate) minimum.

Noch 4 freie Plätze

F20WO - Workshop
Film, Fashion and James Bond

Two-Day Workshop on Costume Design and Film Production

This workshop aims to assist students in understanding the influence and impact of fashion and costume in film. Over the course of two days, students will receive an introduction to the importance of the role of the costume designer within film, and how this role is instrumental in determining character, shaping narrative, and forming mise en scéne as part of the production of film, with a focus on James Bond. The students will be encouraged to think about: • How does their costume reflect the character? • What colours/fabrics would they use for this costume? • What was their inspiration behind this design? For a more detailed description of the course, see the attached abstract.

Noch 1 freier Platz

B03WO - Workshop
How to hold a presentation

Would you like to become more confident when presenting? Plus convince your audience with a clear structure? Even if in a university context it is often the content which counts most, there is more to a good presentation. In this workshop you will find out how to plan, structure and deliver an effective presentation. You will get to know five steps which guide you through the preparation of a presentation. Furthermore, we look at the presenter and their individual possibilities of achieving a desired effect. E.g. body language as well as rhetoric are among the means for establishing contact with your audience. We will also discuss presentation media, although this is no hands-on PowerPoint workshop. Instead, you can try things out in a mini-presentation activity and find answers to your questions about presenting.

Noch 5 freie Plätze

Z10WO - Workshop
How to present yourself successfully in a Job Interview?

You never get a second chance for a first good impression: So how can you well prepare this important event? Main focus: - Possible structure of a Job Interview - Self-Presentation: How can you highlight your strengths? - Stay focused on the key information in your language and body language - How to tickle typical and unexpected questions. - … And what kind of questions could you prepare?

Schon 4 Wartende

Fachhochschule Kiel
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